Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All-Star season has officially begun...

We have spent the last two nights at the ball field and have had supper at 9:30 both nights. I keep wondering if I am a terrible mother but my kids would rather be at the ball field than eat supper. So I guess if they are happy I am doing my job .
Another thought...
I am having a terrible time figuring out what to get my father for Father's Day. My dad is so wonderful and I feel like anything that I get him will not be enough. What are all of you getting your dads for his big day?


Kristy said...

OMG I cannot believe this! I'm so excited that you have a blog. I just recently started myself,b ut I love it. Yes it is hard to keep up with sometimes, but I love doing it.

Don't stress about the job God will snd you the one you are suposed to have. Hopefully sooner than later. The kids are precious and I can't wait to see more. Talk to you soon!

Kristy said...

Hey what is Joyell's blog address?
