Saturday, August 30, 2008

In memory of Francis Albert

I am posting with a sad heart tonight. Tim's grandmother passed away this evening. She was 85 years old. She was a wonderful lady, was loved by all, and will be truly missed.
I am having such a hard time finding the right words to explain to HG and Carter about death. My grandmother passed away this past November and it was hard then to answer their questions. Now here we are again. They spent the night at my mom and dad's house and are going to church with them so I won't see them until tomorrow afternoon. I know that HG is going to be so sad, not that Carter won't but she is much more emotional than him and she spent more time with Grandmama than he did. It is just so hard to explain to a child why death, sometimes, is a good thing.
I know that she is in heaven now and she is not having to complain about the food at the nursing home not having enough seasoning. I'm sure the chef in heaven knows just the right amount to make it the way she likes it. And I can't help but wonder if she is talking to Moses or Noah or some of the others that we have only read about.
God bless you Grandmama, we will miss you...

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Misty told us yesterday about your losss we are so sorry. Please knwo that we are all praying for you, Tim and the rest of your family. God will guide you to the right words and they will understand. I'm glad to hear that Tim was able to spend some precious time with her this weekend before she passed.

Praying for you all!

