Friday, July 11, 2008

What is happening to our marriages?

What is happening to our marriages? In the past three days I have found out of two couples we know that are divorcing. Both of these couples are people that we thought had the perfect marriage and the perfect family. These just go to show that we have no idea what is happening behind closed doors. I am the first to admit that I do not have the perfect marriage but I know now more than ever that I cannot let my guard down. I cannot let Satan enter my marriage. We are all human and we all make mistakes. But I think we have to also walk in one another's shoes (our spouses, that is). I know that I am guilty of going along in this life in my own world, tending to the kids, looking for work, house stuff and everything else that occupies my time, thinking about myself and what all I am dealing with. I find myself sometimes ignoring my husband and what he needs from me, which mostly, is my time. I forget how important it is sometimes to show my husband how much I appreciate him and how important he is to not only me but our family. I also have to remember that he is human and whatever needs he is not getting from me he could very well get them somewhere else, even if this means just an ear to listen. I have had a wake-up call over the last few days that I have to continue to work on my marriage and not get too comfortable in the everyday stuff, but really and truly be the wife that God intended me to be. Tim and I are going to attend the "Festival of Marriage" in October that Lifeway sponsors. I am excited but at the same time nervous that I will find out that I am not giving everything I have to our marriage. I am excited that we will be given tools to continue to grow with each other in the years to come. I would like to challenge anyone reading this to stop and think about your marriage. Is there anything more that you can do to show your spouse that they are appreciated and let them know that your marriage is a priority. Until next time...

1 comment:

Christine Satterfield said...

I am so excited you guys are attending FOM! Which weekend? Christine and I will be there Oct 17-19.
